Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A Friendly Report

I want to talk about a friend. We both work at

Depending on what I say about her, my comments might be construed as gossip, gross exaggerations, backbiting, belittling, praising, or promoting. Some might say I am just sharing news or reporting. Others might say I am deflecting attention from those many risque rumors about myself (I wish!) or that since I'm so hopelessly boring (aw, smack!), I can only say what is going on in the lives of others. If the previous statement is a good indication (which it is), whatever it is that I have to say about my friend, I'm going to reference it to myself.

What I most enjoy about this friend is that she is not me. In many ways, we are very different and I like that about her. First, her world is larger than mine; she makes it so by reaching beyond the immediate locale and the present moment in what she says, does and how she thinks (if I can presume to get into her head.) She is more well-read than I am; this doesn't refer to an ingestion of classics, but to the fact that she reads what she likes and when she likes.

Second, she can pull off being a perfectly sane and stable rebel; this state of mind seems oxymoronic or, at least, unusual. But she pulls it off, sliding through wispy and yet sure-footed in her own way daring others to trifle with her while dodging everything that would rattle a less stable person. Like my friend, I do rebel, but usually I am slapped down for my efforts. Of course, then I get back up just to see if the same thing happens a second time...or fourth, sixth, or whatever.

Third, she is a real blogger. I am a blogger-wannabe; as with many things, I am a wannabe. I wouldn't have blogged this much if not for her encouragement. I wouldn't have known how to get started. So it's thanks to JSK that I blog (for better or worse.) You should check out her blog, in fact. Go to to read what a worldly, sane rebel has to say. Tell her I sent you.