Friday, June 27, 2008


"artwork by Jane Luce"

"There was in me a secret retreat. Words and cadences haunted it like song-birds in a magic wood." ... Edith Warton, First woman Pulitzer Prize winner in fiction

Back in the days when I was more adventurous, I attended to internal stimuli in a spirit of discovery. In other words, I meditated and I did it with a sense of adventure, anticipation, and the expectation that something wonderful would present itself.

I remember that I once meditated with the intent of discovering my "animal shaman." Native Americans did this, I was told, so I, too, would be open to an introduction to an animal that would guide my meditation and open doorways to a new and wonderful enlightenment.

I began my meditation in my usual way, visualizing myself walking down a primitive staircase that twisted and turned, descending into a dark cavern. Just before I was on the floor of the cavern, I imagined myself lying on a smooth, black stone from which I could slide the rest of the way into the cavern.

When I arrived at the cavern's floor, I looked around for my animal shaman, and then saw a large dark creature sitting upright with her back to me. I was startled at first, but the animal continued to sit quietly, apparently not concerned about my playground-slide-entrance. As I took a deep breath contemplating my next move, the animal slowly turned in the barbershop-swivel-chair toward me. Our eyes met, and hers were large and gentle.

While I began to realize that I was in the presence of a spiritual being, I was at the same time having some real doubts about whether this was really my animal shaman. After all, I was pursuing a Native American meditation. This animal was large and kind and seemingly wise, but how could she be mine? She seemed to be on the wrong continent though I suspected the spiritual world didn't have the same geographical divisions as Planet Earth.

Yet, there she was. I was in pursuit of an animal shaman that a Native American might cherish, or at least recognize. I was thinking of maybe a doe or a rabbit or a song-bird. There she was ... my animal shaman was a baboon!

The baboon and I engaged in some meaningful conversation, most of which I really don't remember. But when I think of my "secret retreat," the caretaker is a large, dark baboon whose memory brings me a moment of peace and amusement. What more could I have asked for?

Thursday, June 5, 2008


I'm writing again after a too-long absence. My fingers on the keyboard take on a new energy when I'm blogging rather than during other activities. When I'm working, the keyboard is just a tool to be used. When I'm blogging, it feels more like I am the keyboard's tool and the keyboard is using me. To be needed is a good thing.
Backspace gives me a workout any time I'm writing. He has been lonely lately without me to push around. Backspace enjoys the determined reach of my right pinky in the same way we enjoy the outstretched arms of a loved one. The left pinky doesn't offer the same experience because Escape really wants to be left alone. Escape isn't touchy-feely; touchy-feely is the last resort.

Shift is a dancer. She is well-rehearsed, agile, loose, and limber. She really hasn't noticed the difference between whether I'm blogging or working. because she gets her exercise regardless of my intentions. For Shift, dance can be work and play at the same time. Her name is really a misnomer if you are thinking she is shifty in a Chicago kind of way. Not only is she essential in a big way, she has taught me to network. Check out Caps Lock and you'll see what I mean. ESSENTIAL!

The key that presides over these activities is, of course, Control. Control is not an easy reach, not to be used for frivolous purposes. Control is Escape's twin brother, slightly larger and more dominant than Escape. Control hangs out a lot with Alt and Delete; that says a lot about why Escape is the way he is.

Then there is Alphabet. Who doesn't love ABC's?

I know I shouldn't have a favorite but I can't help myself. I'm very fond of Enter. I can't quite put my finger on exactly why. Here again, I think her name is a misnomer. I think her name should be More. Want to continue? Want more? Just press Enter.

See how that worked? And who doesn't want more?